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The Cycle of Abuse
posted by A on 2012/5/3 (Comics)
Our interlude continues! Poor poor Dave.
And... Who's this goblin hanging out in the background? He's visiting us from another plane (ie, he's on loan from another webcomic) looking for his next door! It's Tempts Fate, from . Goblins, if you aren't reading it, you should be! ``
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Night Templar, umm, for empahsis? Because the writer missed a wayward capital letter when proofreading? Demonic possession? Who know!?
On you newest coment Night, yeeah, I goofed. He shoulda turned to metal.

I just wanted to tell you that I think it's great that you guys keep this comic going

I'm already very intersted how this hole story turns out

Excellent guest star. A bit outdated, seeing as how he didn't turn to metal and he's wearing his original clothes, but anti-HEROES could just happen before Goblins in inter-universe time, I suppose.
Summary: Excellent comic. Keep up the good work!
You guys get the best guest stars EVER!!!!