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But Only Fifteen Minutes
posted by Jordan on 2009/6/11 (Comics)
I had this comic done like two days ago, and was going to upload it earlier this morning. Figures that I would forget...
Anyway, here's a Kaal comic to relieve some of the boringness of the past few issues.
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Generally, someone who has the superior position doesn't pull "taking you with me" stunts like Eldhin's Earthquake spell.
Also, you're assuming that Arderas is both A: significantly stronger than Eldhin, and B: able to defend himself in his half-trapped state. I don't see why either of these are certain.
Generally, someone who has the superior position doesn't pull "taking you with me" stunts like Eldhin's Earthquake spell.
Also, you're assuming that Arderas is both A: significantly stronger than Eldhin, and B: able to defend himself in his half-trapped state. I don't see why either of these are certain.
Huge Fan here.
How is Aldran gonna kill a Demigod??? He barely survived a confrontation with his brother!!! Geeez, he´s sooo not gonna make it...
“Are the Kaal-things supposed to be semi-transparent or not?”
No, they aren't. There was too much stuff in the background that making them transparent felt to me a little confusing.
And on the topic of this being a Spongebob reference, I can honestly plead ignorance on that one. I've never watched a full episode of Spongebob in my life, and I've certainly never seen the episode in question. It's just a funny coincidence.

It has to be. Not only is it doing the little men in the head thing, but it's also doing the tying your shoes thing, as well as the childhood memories, which Spongebob references to when he tries to remember how.
Wow. I think I'm a nerd for remembering all that.
@toil3T: oddly enough, i brought that book a few days ago. it is good.
On a side note, I picked up the novel The Way of Shadows yesterday, and it's an excellent read. I would reccomend it to anyone above the age of, say, sixteen.
Could be less than four, actually, if he's generous with the breaks.

But wouldn't it be easier to just dump all of the new information? I.E. ignore it? I'm not sure why Kaal has to care - I'd be content to remember my core skillset and just follow whatever orders I get.
do u think chucking childhood memories will keep kaal from hitting on lana?
anyways, @ blakjak, it's great to see someone else following nnfb. i've been following it for over a year...
haven't checked out looking for group yet. i will soon

Very excellent strip, Zarah.

That is SO FRIGGIN HILARIOUS! I don't think I'm gonna be able to stay in the chair for much longer...
ADMIN EDIT: I cut down the length of your "FWAHAHA", since it was too big to fit in the comments area, and was stretching the page on lower resolutions.
I've been searching the breadth of the web for good webcomics and I can safely say that this is one of the greats. And for that one guy who talked about "Keychain of Creation" I found a Web comic that was thrice as good: "No Need for Bushido!". Just as good as "Looking For Group" I would say