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Aldran Extra Protection, With Wings!
posted by Jordan on 2008/9/7 (Comics)
Sorry for another long wait for a comic. I don't really have a good excuse other than being addicted to playing Dwarf Fortress and Mass Effect for the past week or so.
Anyway, as for today's comic... Hopefully this will resolve some of the heated disputes in the comments. I realize that "shoulder wings" probably aren't shown in the most realistic context they could be, but given the style I have to work with, that's about as close as I can get. Besides, trying to say this comic is "realistic" is just downright silly in any manner.
Next topic: Games. First and foremost, I beat Mass Effect today. I wholeheartedly recommend this game. I'll try not to spoil anyone, but the end battle was orchestrated so well that throughout the entire sequence, it made me feel uneasy. It made me feel as if I really needed to rush to save the day, even though there WAS no timer. And in the end, everything gets wrapped up so well. Although it leaves us with a bit of a cliffhanger, it still feels complete. All in all, a VERY good game for any RPG fanatic, such as myself.
Secondly, Dwarf Fortress. For anyone who's played it, then you probably know why I'm addicted to it. For anyone who hasn't, I suggest you look into it. It definitely takes some getting used to, but once you get into it, there's no way back. As for my fortress, things are going pretty well. Too well, in fact. My fortress has ballooned from 7 dwarves to 55 in just over a year, and thirty of them arrived in a SINGLE wave of migrants. I'm expecting mass starvation to set in any day now...
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For example: Is the upcoming battle between brothers going to be epic, incredibly epic, or anti-climactic in an amusing way?
But sarcasm does not travel well across the internet, some people have a harder time getting their oppinion rightly over because english isn´t their first language, but those people should also be able to enjoy AH.
So can we cut this off, please?
What Jordan says is true, anything else, we can only wonder.
So I repeat my plead, please cut this off.
Thenks if you will....
Especially the applied and quoted line: "Jesus, the stupidity of some people" applied and applied back.
Well, Amaretto's not from GITP, I suppose.
So he's not much worse than I expected.

it can e hard to express yoursef on a board in aforeign language (wich is the reason my post a while ago got a wrong message i didn't meen)
but not to understand that Ameretto was joking?
dude, what did you smoke? ^^
Did you acyually think we were serious????
To qoute you: "Jesus, the stupidity of some people."
lol. That applies to you...
*Still sucks at Dwarf Fortress*
I love how the Giant reads some threads and then makes the comic do something unexpected just to spite everyone!
Aldran/Eldin having wings isn't really a plot twist and it was quite obvious that they would.... Therefore, Zarah should have made them not have wings...
Im very very very dissapointed in Zarah... There were so many things he could've done with the wings thing, like many of the scenarios I mentioned, but inststead he chose the most obvious way which everyone had already predicted......
lol, maybe I'm just pissed because all my amazing arguments were all proven wrong by 1 panel (and a title, if u wanna get exact). Now any new arguments agaianst Aldran having wings (like the cardboard wings theory, lol) are just comical and won't be taken seriosuly...
AHHH!!! If I was writing this comic I would have some unexpected thing happen just to mess with u guys....

te position of the wings changes from time to time as they are used, if u place cardboardwings on your back it is not possible to move them like wings
thus it is impossible for the wings to be faked with non-magical stuff

but it's funny to see all his nice arguments go down ^^
I gave him a new one, unlogical but still it is a argument
Also, awesome.
cardboard wings are not possible to move like wings
ok, there are spells that change apearance, but they wouldn't use it in this situation I'd gues

I heart Aldran. I love the way he is such an intimidating figure. keep it up!
They are fake cardboard wings painted black to look cool!
and intimidating.... Black cardboard wings are thye latest fad!
Also, why am I posting at you when you're next to me?
Aldran has wings......
No HE DOES NOT! I defy u!
It is a home-brewed black wings spell just like fire wings! lol. I will never admit anythying...

Hmm...I doubt he can take his brother- after all, he was gonna run. I think he's gonnaneed a lot of help downing Eldhin, surprise round nonwithstanding
Eh, an estimation is tough to say. I can gladly say that it'll be going for quite a while, at the pace I'm at, since there's a lot of story that I need to plow through. I do have a very clear beginning and end, and a bunch of middle points, but the path from one to the other is a little vague yet.
I guess all I can really say is that Anti-Heroes will be as long as it has to be.

Do you have an estimation for how long the comic is going to be? Or just keep on plotting as you keep drawing?
Also, I just beat Mass Effect today...great ending!

If you haven't read it, just Google it. It's a bit of a long read, but it's well worth it. I was almost in tears from laughing so hard.
but seriously, Anti-heroes is amazing. It's quickly becoming as/more amazing than OotS.
(for one, it's slightly cheaper, and for another, it has the words 'don't panic' printed in large friendly letters on the cover)
Yeah, I feel really silly today. ~CotR

Blarg. Didn't even notice that. Did a quick edit, so it should be all good now.