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A Little Motivation
posted by Chris on 2013/4/14 (Comics)
Hell hello, it's your illustrator Dyluthus here with our much delayed newest edition of anti-HEROES.
Have a great Sunday everyone and enjoy the strip
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Panel 6 is trying to be the same thing, but it's worded so that it sounds like Andil really is serious, so I think that's the inconsistency you're seeing. Then his tone turns mocking again through panel 7, but it ends with a challenge: Prove your worth. That's the whole point of his monologue, but he drags out the preceding phase, so the ending comes suddenly, which could be more gently segued into I guess.
Overall, though, awesome comic concept. I wish that approach worked on me.
@"me" - Nothing wrong with a dissenting opinion, but you've become a parody of yourself now.

Those are chains, He is being supported by his arm only.
Did he cast a spell off panel or does celebrity status allow Laris to forsake the laws of physics?
...I SOOO wanna be a celebrity

(...and before someone's PC character is offended by the above comment I play elven characters all the time

Also, I like Second Ed's whisker things. He sure can grow nice facial hair.
Also, just a note, shouldn't the cast page have been updated a bit? We have Turrik (forgot how to spell that...), the maid bugbear, the two Ed's, Arderas and probably a few more.
Wait, the two Ed's are staying right? ...Right?
Way to go winding the bard up!