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Round Two
posted by Chris on 2011/5/26 (Comics)
Hello, I am Dyluth (Chris to my friends) and this is my first illustrative contribution to the amazing webcomic known as anti-HEROES.
It was an honor to have been picked by Zara to help step in to keep this comic going, and though it took longer than I had hoped to get this initial comic up on the site I can promise that in the future I will do my best to keep the postings much more frequent and consistent.
Now I've done my best to keep the illustration style as close to Zarah's original artwork so please enjoy and let me know what you think.
I'm truly looking forward to working with Leakingpen and Zarah to keep this comic that we all love going strong!
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Not sure that makes sense or really describes the difference but thumbs up for your work.
I really hope you'll find the time and dedication necessary to keep up producing updates at regular intervals. I'd me more than happy to support you with donations once you've shown you are ready to handle the pressure.

Nice one, keep it up

just ... THANK YOU GUYS.
Keep them coming!
Lol, first time in forever that I actually missed checking the site for 2 days, and now, there's a new issue right here. ^^
Great work, glad to see it continuing, good luck to you guys!

(Greetings from Czech Republic)
Here's to successful updates.

And I was this close || To giving up hope

Second, bah to all the critics on the art style! I think staying true to the art style the way you have is great but the little minor differences that you have from Zarah make this your work.
Kudos on the new comic and may you find joy in the joy you bring us.
Anyway, all the naysayers will have to swallow their *harsh* words of despair because they were entirely wrong.
Good job Team Dypen and keep up the good work!